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"Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events: The Regrettable Ride"
Attraction Concepts
Concepts for a dark ride based on the Netflix series adaptation of the popular book series.
Attraction Queue Scene Concepts: The Baudelaire Mansion
Sketched in Adobe Photoshop

Guests enter the attraction and queue through the Baudelaire mansion, which has just been destroyed due to a mysterious fire.

During a rolling preshow in the mansion's singed library, guests encounter a man who appears behind the shattered window above the fireplace mantel. The man introduces himself by the name of Lemony Snicket, and he informs the guests that there has been an extremely unfortunate event involving a fire, leaving the three Baudelaire children Violet, Klaus, and Sunny orphaned.
He dreads to have just recruit us guests as his fellow investigators and to join him on his sad duty to documents the lives of the Baudelaire orphans.

Guests come to the vehicle loading scene on the outside curb of the mansion, where an "Investigation Car" awaits them to take the on their dreadful and melancholy journey.
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